Thursday, January 6, 2011

furs fur everyone

Today, I became restless. Too much vacation. I was tired of sitting in the house all afternoon on my favorite couch by the fireplace, with a new book, and a cup of tea. Though both of my parents were either working or out running errands and I was car-less, so I had no choice but to wait until my mother got home and agreed a trip to the thrift shop was in order. My little town has the queerest little thrift shop. Retired women who volunteer bustle around gossiping, clucking like little hens arranging their eggs. It's a funny shop. Mostly overpriced "antiques" that really should be thrown into a Goodwill and marked with a $5 tag. Whenever I picked up an item and put it gently back down in it's place, a white haired grandma type would shoo me away to organize everything again. 


I did find a couple of items that I'm rather proud of. First, a fur shoulder piece with purple silk lining. The second purchase was a small change purse with painted leather and an old brass clasp. (By the way, this outfit is entirely thrifted/vintage other than the tights (LLBean), cardigan (UO), and leotard (Capezio)! Whoa. I never do that lolz.)

After the thrill of thrifting, my mother and I drove to the near by town and popped into one of her favorite galleries for a look around. The Tidemark Gallery sits on a hill off of US Route 1/Main Street in Waldoboro, Maine. (Where I took the style shots above!) It showcases local Maine artists in a variety of different mediums. I couldn't help but snag a few shots. 

I'm heading back to Boston tomorrow to work at the coffee shop and get things organized for next semester. Good-bye, Maine! I will miss you.

all photos are taken by me and belong to me. the featured art is not mine and can be found by clicking the link above.


  1. Hiiiiiiii Dear! ♥
    thank you so much for answering me on IFB!!! Your blog is lovely and I relly like your outfits :)
    I FOLLOW YOU back as I said...
    keep in touch!
    LiDì from Italy

  2. Red coat is so cool, love it!!

    Visit my blog, if you want;)
    (i'm an italian fashion blogger)


  3. beautiful blog!! happy new year!
    If u want came on my blog and give a comment.
    Do u want to became a followers?

  4. HA! I have been to thrift stores like that! I am such a brat though, sometimes I try to bargain with them...

    me: "Why is this bracelet so expensive?"
    old biddy: " What do you mean?"
    me: "It's not very old, It's not gold. It should be 3 bucks"
    old biddy: "cluck..cluck..cluck"

  5. small thrift shops can have the craziest women!! i have a couple in my suburb - charity shops - and the women make me want to laugh and cry. awesome post - that gallery looks amazing!!


  6. i love your red coat!

    ps. i live in boston, too. :)

  7. You look lovely... the coat and the red door frame are a perfect touch. And that gallery looks absolutely cozy!



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